Time well spent.

A while ago I had a friend ask me how I prioritise creative time outside of homeschooling, studying, work and life. It took me a minute to answer and my brain went straight to the usual things like commitment to showing up in your space as you would a work place.

Just because I work from home, I still try to have consistent “work” hours.  Let your family know these hours so they can schedule around this and help out during those times.

Of course I explained that planning also goes a long way. This helps you show up easier because you aren’t wasting time on your designated creative days. My days aren’t always full of blissfully stretching in yoga classes or having my hands in clay.  I have to have hours set aside to plan and create classes, clean the studio, marketing and scheduling what I’m doing for the next week ahead. 

I came home after this interaction and took a moment to sit with this question, with a cup of tea, and what really came up for me, was that I show up constantly because I need to! I am a creator, I always have been. It is part of my makeup. My life force. It comes deep from within my womb space, where all creation brews. I truly believe that creativity and art is as necessary to living a full authentic, expressive, whole life as it is to do yoga, grow a garden, raise a family and eat well. It comes from chopping the wood and carrying the water. It is my dharma.

“Before enlightenment

Chop the wood Carry the water

After enlightenment

Chop the wood Carry the water”

This winter I have been working closely with Carry The Water as I my theme. Carry The Water, be of service, live my dharma and fill my vessel with high vibration, open heartening affirmations, beauty, love and joy. This is where the energy to everything I do comes from. The reason for it all.

Carry the water has run through my days and evenings in full creative thought and expression during the winter. It has become the practice, the moto, the backdrop and the constant background mantra playing on and on. I have been producing, literal as well as metaphorical, water holding vessels that nourish me. Using wild harvested clays and slips. My creative mind is exploding. But I will go more into this another time.

And so to conclude and to really answer the question asked earlier by my friend: How do I prioritise time to create? Well, because creative time is time well spent. It happens because I make it happen, because life for me without it would just not be whole.

Lots of Love





Rainbow Pammy
Pammy is an avid lover of nature and art as a tool for mindfulness, She study's and explores her surroundings in the Perth hills and beaches to create raw and organic pieces including botanic art, ceramics, wild clay, printings, pressings and preserving's. With the idea of country heals, art heals, she uses nature and the practices of yoga in both her daily life, in her permaculture garden and her art. Pammy aspires to share her passion for sustainability, the connection to land and country and art as healing with her wider community through gatherings, workshops and yoga.

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